Private Sand Therapy Consultation with Dr. Dee Preston-Dillon

A personal 120-minute consultation with Dr. Dee Preston-Dillon at a date and time to be coordinated. This product has a sliding scale for pricing.


Consultations with Dr. Dee focus on your interests, questions, exploration of new techniques, reflections on ways to engage your client’s sand scene, and work with just a few symbols. Each consultation is for 90 minutes.

What do you want to understand about the techniques you use? Would you like a different perspective on your client’s sand scenes, a focus on your experience? Would you like to create a sand scene and explore the relevance for your work with clients?

 Here are a few topics for consultation exploration.

  1. Case consultation for exploration of symbols and sand scenes with active imagination.
  2. Consultation on how to use specific expressive approaches developed by Dr. Dee, such as:
    1. A Dollhouse process for existential and developmental concerns e.g., reclamation of identity, re-storying, examining limits to power and freedom, relationships, early life decisions, and developmental challenges.
    2. Use of a small cluster of symbols with no sand tray for small groups, individual, and couples therapy, supervision, environments that do not allow sand, and time-limited sessions.
    3. Developmental use of miniature chairs for life scripts and existential concerns.
    4. Use of small free-standing doors and windows as portals to process developmental, existential, and narrative experience and perception.
    5. Use of wood and stones to bridge unconscious, conscious associations, and socio-cultural meaning and experience.
    6. Use of animal figures to process family dynamics.
    7. Analysis of fairytales and engagement for any age client.
    8. Activating stories and characters in therapy as a series.
    9. A bridge as story-keeper, telling stories from all sides of a bridge.
    10. Collaborating on a drama-of-life theater of the imagination.
    11. Ceremonies to honor loss and celebrate life events.

This consultation has sliding-scale pricing. Please reach out to us at to get a quote for your consultation.