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The Person of the Therapist Video Series

In “The Person of the Therapist” series, Dr. Dee Preston-Dillon interviews therapists–from new clinicians to the most seasoned–about who they are, their wisdom, and what they value. Dr. Dee partners with therapists for rich discussions of approaches to therapy, pathways toward competency, and deep dives into therapists’ diverse experiences.

Hope and the Power of Expressive Arts with Dr. Yehuda Bergman

In this episode, Dr. Dee speaks with Dr. Yehuda Bergman, a mental health professional in Baltimore. He is the developer of “Tikkun Trauma Therapy,” a psychoactive treatment for trauma victims utilizing expressive arts.

Relationship and Presence with Cat and Ash Denham

In this episode, Dr. Dee speaks with Catherine and Alisha Denham, who are both experienced clinical social workers (LCSW) as well as play therapist supervisors (RPT-S). A married couple, together they also run their own business, Momma Owl Minis, through which they sell their handmade symbols for sand therapy.

Authenticity and Immersion with Michele Putini

Dr. Dee speaks with Michele Putini, LMFT–seasoned therapist, supervisor, and owner of Be Authentic Family Therapy in Upland, California. They discuss Michele’s path towards becoming a therapist, creativity, authenticity, symbol activation, and the power of therapist immersion.

Hana Perkey on Humility and Creativity

Dr. Dee speaks with Hana Perkey, LPC. Hana is a seasoned therapist, trauma specialist, counselor educator, and artist. They discuss Hana’s path to becoming a therapist, humility, creativity, educating and supporting burgeoning therapists, and Hana’s experience with immersion in symbol work.

Narrative Sand Therapy Conversations Video Series

How can partnering with symbols help therapists–and everyone else–access self-awareness and deep resonance? What is symbol activation–and how can it foster to healing and empowerment? What about process hypnosis and the therapeutic use of metaphor? How does venturing down this path into the imagination serve our individual and collective wellbeing?

What is Narrative Sand Therapy? Access the Hidden Power of Your Imagination with Symbols

Here, Dr. Dee Preston-Dillon, creator of Narrative Sand Therapy, and Tim Mewmaw, LCPC, explore these questions and discuss the origins and theoretical underpinnings of this approach.